I already mentioned LA has great fast food burgers, but what I haven't said is that you can get hella good (Jay I c u) burgers in the non fast food department as well. Umami Burger on Hollywood Blvd is a great place if you feel like havin a beer with your burger and don't want your food wrapped in paper. The bun is soft like your favorite RnB singers voice and the meat's got a great taste from the grill that you can't find at any fast food joint, whatever Burger King might claim... We all know their's just taste like a burnt shoe sole.
SoCal Burger - Butter lettuce, oven dried tomatoes, home made american cheese, caramelized onions.
Umami Burger - 4655 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood, CA
Damn, I went back last time I was in LA, still hella good ( I C ME)